Heim Bio Kräutertee Linden Entspannen Verdauung Schwitzen, 20g

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Organic herbal tea Linden Relax Digestion Sweating, 20g Herbal Tea Happy Plantes Tisan - infusion.organic
Organic herbal tea Linden Relax Digestion Sweating, 20g Herbal Tea Happy Plantes Tisan - infusion.organic
Organic herbal tea Linden Relax Digestion Sweating, 20g Herbal Tea Happy Plantes Tisan - infusion.organic
Organic herbal tea Linden Relax Digestion Sweating, 20g Herbal Tea Happy Plantes Tisan - infusion.organic
Organic herbal tea Linden Relax Digestion Sweating, 20g Herbal Tea Happy Plantes Tisan - infusion.organic
Organic herbal tea Linden Relax Digestion Sweating, 20g Herbal Tea Happy Plantes Tisan - infusion.organic
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Bio Kräutertee Linden Entspannen Verdauung Schwitzen, 20g

100% französischer Herkunft Die Linde ist eine der wichtigsten Pflanzen für Entspannung und Erholung. Fügen Sie einen Teelöffel Honig hinzu und Sie werden auf eine köstliche Reise der Süße transportiert werden! Alle unsere Pflanzen sind AB-zertifiziert. Mit einem 20 g-Beutel können Sie etwa 20 Tassen herstellen. In Anbetracht der Qualität der Pflanzen, können Sie Ihre Mischungen 2 bis 3 Mal während des Tages reinfundiert haben! Aufguss: 85°C Ziehzeit: 7 Minuten Menge: 1 Prise für 1 Tasse Verkostung: 2 bis 3 Tassen/Tag am Ende des Tages und vor dem Schlafengehen Als wohltuende Kur: 3 Tassen/Tag für 21 Tage, vorzugsweise vor und nach dem Abendessen. Wiederholen Sie die Behandlung bei Bedarf nach einer 7-tägigen Pause oder variieren Sie mit einem anderen beruhigenden Aufguss. Kontraindikationen: keine Kontraindikationen entsprechend der angegebenen Dosierung Stimmung: süß, Honig, Sammeln, Gesundheit der Atemwege, Atmung, reguliert die Schweißabsonderung, Schlaf, Schlaf, Blumen, heitere Rückkehr
Verkaufspreis €5,25

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Product Specifications

Botanical Information:

  • Scientific Name: Tilia cordata / Tilia platyphyllos
  • Plant Part Used: Flowers and bracts
  • Harvesting Period: Early to mid-summer
  • Processing Method: Air-dried at controlled temperature

Physical Characteristics:

  • Appearance: Intact, pale yellow-green flowers with bracts
  • Aroma: Sweet, floral with honey notes
  • Taste: Mild, sweet with subtle woody undertones
  • Color (brewed): Light golden yellow

Quality Markers:

  • Moisture Content: <8%
  • Flavonoid Content: Standardized
  • Microbial Testing: Compliant with European Pharmacopoeia

Preparation and Usage Guidelines

Traditional Hot Infusion:

  • Water Temperature: 90-95°C (194-203°F)
  • Dosage: 1-2 teaspoons per cup (240ml)
  • Steeping Time: 5-10 minutes
  • Recommended: 2-3 cups daily

Cold Brew Method:

  • Use room temperature water
  • Ratio: 2-3 tablespoons per liter
  • Steep 6-12 hours in refrigerator


  • Keep in airtight container
  • Store in cool, dry place
  • Protect from direct sunlight
  • Use within 24 months

Traditional Benefits and Properties

Linden flower tea has been historically valued for its multifaceted therapeutic properties, supported by traditional use and modern research:

Calming and Relaxation:

  • Natural anxiolytic properties support stress reduction and emotional balance
  • Contains compounds that promote quality sleep and rest
  • Helps maintain healthy sleep-wake cycles

Cardiovascular Support:

  • Flavonoids support healthy blood pressure levels
  • Antioxidants protect cardiovascular system integrity
  • Promotes healthy circulation and vessel function

Respiratory Function:

  • Soothes throat and respiratory tract discomfort
  • Supports healthy mucous membrane function
  • Maintains clear breathing passages

Digestive Health:

  • Supports comfortable digestion
  • Maintains healthy gastrointestinal function
  • Promotes natural digestive processes

Cultural Heritage and Tradition

Linden tea holds a revered position in European herbal tradition, particularly in Germanic and Slavic cultures. For centuries, the linden tree has been considered sacred, often planted in village centers as a symbol of community and peace. Medieval herbalists documented its use in monasteries and early medical texts.

In traditional European medicine, linden tea gained prominence during the Renaissance period, when it became known as the "pharmacy of the poor" due to its widespread availability and diverse applications. The gathering of linden flowers became a celebrated seasonal activity, with specific harvesting rituals passed down through generations.

Modern herbalists continue to value linden tea, integrating traditional knowledge with contemporary understanding of its bioactive compounds. This botanical remains a testament to the enduring wisdom of European herbal traditions.